News, Technology, Writing

Humans vs. The Machines: Three Reasons Humans are Better Than Robots. . . for now

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has taken the world by storm this spring. We knew it was coming, but even with the warnings, it seems none of us were fully prepared.

As a writer, the explosion in AI use has been slightly unsettling. I’d be lying if I said that I haven’t played around with ChatGPT, and then immediately panicked at how quickly it generated the article I requested, and the caliber of the content. Wait, why am I telling you this when I’m supposed to be telling you how we human writers are far superior to the machines? I’m telling you this to be honest. If I said AI couldn’t hold a candle to humans, I’d be lying. AI can generate articles at a speed impossible for us to compete against. The amount of research needed for certain articles alone kill our personal records for speed. However, AI can’t do it all.

During my forays with AI writing software, I noticed a few things that humans can do better than the robots, and a few things the robots just can’t do (yet). Here’s a brief list of what sets using humans instead of AI will get you:

1. Originality: AI is trained by using data that already exists. This isn’t just for writing bots, it also includes image generation (though, for images they really just steal real artists’ works). Us human writers can think outside the AI box and use our creativity to generate content and ideas that the robots just can’t do– yet.

2. Context? Haven’t heard of her: Tone is extremely important in communications. Without the proper tone in your messaging, what was meant as a compliment can quickly become an insult. AI doesn’t understand human tone, targeting to specific audiences, and nuance. How do you ensure that your messaging is appropriate for your target audience? You use a human.

3. Fact Checking: AI is great at how quickly it can generate content, but it isn’t always accurate. If you’re using AI to create your content, you need to make sure you or somebody else is checking it to make sure the information it generates is correct. Humans and robots both need to be fact checked, it’s not something that can be avoided.

I’ll continue to post about AI and the benefits of continuing to use humans, but for now, these three reasons are a good start.